"Open Hearts" - James 1:17-27

James 1:27 - Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. 

We live in a time of information overload and yet it seems impossible to factually grasp what is happening in the world.  Day after day we are pummeled with catastrophes from every corner of the globe and the amount of suffering and need is overwhelming.  In the midst of this chaos, the ground under our feet feels as though it is again shifting us into a new reality and the way we understood ourselves and our place in the world “before” no longer work.  In response to this existential angst, some of us are screaming to be heard in their fear, others have chosen to cling to their own survival and comfort rather than love their neighbor, and many have drawn lines in the sand with no chance for reconciliation.  It’s a mess, but I take hope from this final line in our reading for this week.  

James tells us that a Christian life is one that helps the needy and is unstained by the world.  And that is what we do next.  Rather than be paralyzed by the overwhelming need in this world (stained by the world), we chose to approach the reality of the world with eyes open and in love.  We know that we can’t do everything but we can love those we encounter and care for those in need.  We can believe in the power of love and live a life that doesn’t cow down before the pain in the world.  James offers us this wisdom and I pray you will join me on Sunday to consider how we can live as wise people in these days.  

Peace, Pastor Shannon


Sarah Struwe