Rochester, MN UCC - "Walking Humbly with Our God" - Micah 6:8

In the sixth chapter of Micah the question is asked, “What does the Lord require of you?”  It’s a wonderfully direct question, and the answer is beautifully simple, “to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.”

 At first glance this simple list appears easy.  What great news that all we have to do is love kindness, do justice, and walk humbly with God!  In my experience however, it is surprisingly difficult to do all three.  I do love kindness- mostly receiving kindness- but I like to be kind to others as well.  Step one- complete.  Doing justice is a little harder- working in the kingdom of God, doing what you can to make sure all have enough and all are treated with dignity- that takes time and intention.  But it can be done.  Several times in my life I have had days where I was not only kind, but where I felt that I helped to do justice as well.  Difficult for sure, but doable. It’s the last one that’s really the hardest- because if I manage to be kind, and to do justice, in the same day, there’s no way that I’m not telling EVERYONE about it!  Those are good days and I’m beaming with pride on those days, humility could not be further from my mind.

 Recognizing our own shortcomings, acknowledging the ways in which we struggle to accomplish even the smallest and most summary list of what the Lord requires of us- this is the beginning of walking humbly with our God.  When we recognize our own limitations, we begin to seek help from God and from a supportive community.  We come to rely more and more on God, growing in our faith in God’s grace and love for us.  Finally, speaking the truth about our struggles helps us to view others with compassion.  We come to understand that they struggle just like we do; that they too are in need of God’s grace.  May God help us to find humility and may God lead us in our efforts to do justice and to love kindness.  Amen.

 Pastor Andrew Greenhaw

Sarah Struwe