Rochester, MN UCC Church: The baptism of Jesus Mark 1:4-11


“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble.” - Psalm 46:1

These are certainly times of trouble.  The attack on the Capitol building this Wednesday in an attempt to overturn the results of a legitimate election was shocking and horrifying to watch.  The continued lying about election fraud from many elected officials after the fact is doubly disturbing.  Watching this violent challenge to our democracy happen in real time can cause a great deal of anxiety- it is deeply unsettling.  In times like these I find the opening words of Psalm 46 comforting, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble.”  When I’m upset and anxious these days I try to turn to God in prayer.  It is there that I find refuge and strength, it is in prayer that I find peace.  That peace and that strength seem especially important today, given all the challenges we are facing.

Our scripture for this Sunday, Mark 1:4-11, tells the story of Jesus’ baptism -- the beginning of his public ministry.  After this experience, Jesus goes out into the world to heal, to feed, to bring new life.  We too are called to move from our experience of God’s presence, that refuge and strength, into the world and the work of meeting people’s needs.  Our country, and our democracy, are in a moment of need and to be faithful to Jesus Christ we must do what we can to meet those needs.

In my sermon this Sunday, I’ll explore Jesus Christ as the Truth and our responsibility to witness to that Truth in the world by honoring and valuing truth in our communal lives.  Our faith calls us to honesty, to speaking the truth, to pointing out lies and deceptions.  Our country is in need of more people who honor and value truth, people with the strength and courage necessary to call out falsehoods.  May God grant us refuge and strength in this time of trouble and courage to witness to truth in our lives.


-- Pastor Andrew Greenhaw