In-person worship at 10 AM on Sundays. For those unable to attend in person, services are livestreamed every week at
and are posted below following the completion of the service.
Unavailable and past services can be found at https://www.facebook.com/congorochmn/
march 2nd, 2025 service
Thank you for joining us for our online worship. Worship begins live at 10:00 AM and will stay here recorded for you to view. If you are watching recorded, the service will begin 15 min into it. You may also view the service recorded on Facebook.
WORSHIP LEADERS: Rev. Shannon Smith & Rev. Andrew Greenhaw
JAZZ QUARTET: Ralph Schornack, piano; Robert Gardner, bass; David Townsend, clarinet; Kevin Dobbe, drums
CANTOR: Chris Hoppe
LITURGIST: Pat Espeset
NURSERY: Room 16 on main level; Colleen Hofer
WEEKLY ANNOUNCEMENTS can be found at our website: www.cogoroch/news-events under Newsletters.
MUSIC printed with permission under One License #A-717450. All rights reserved.
Worship • Inspiration • Community
Sunday Worship
@ 10 AM • 60 MINUTES
Each Sunday, we will offer in-person worship with live-streaming available on our website and Facebook page. Past services are archived on both Facebook and YouTube.
We offer beautiful music, prayers, a special time with children, and the weekly thoughtful message. If you have joys or concerns that you would like included in the Sunday worship service during the pastoral prayer, please email your message by the preceding Thursday to church@congoroch.org.
During the Sunday worship online experience, you’ll be able to use Facebook to communicate with other parishioners in real time. We sincerely hope that this experience will give you a touchstone to our worshiping community and the sense of God’s Holy Presence in your life.
Sunday School
10:15-10:45 AM
We are excited to offer Sunday School for children Pre-K through 5th grade, with nursery care provided for those 3 and under. Children will begin worship in the Sanctuary and have class during the sermon, then returning for Communion or the end of worship. Sunday School will use a one room schoolhouse style lesson where children of all ages will learn together through story, song, art, and drama.
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